Gardens offer new ways for those with Intellectual Disability to connect in their community and increase participation


Monday, Aug 28, 2017
[Sydney, NSW] – Not for profit aged care and NDIS provider, Multicultural Care
would like to invite people with intellectual disability to help with getting our new
plots started, in a number of areas across Sydney (Inner West, South East and
South West). People interested in learning about gardening are welcome to join
us to participate in a range of fun and hands-on activities to add to our community
garden space.

Supported by our knowledgeable gardening tutor, dedicated staff and volunteers,
participants will learn and practice gardening skills and able to maintain a small
garden space. The weekly meet up covers information about general plant care,
composting, worm finding, plant seedlings, pest management, soil testing and
meal preparation.

CEO of Multicultural Care Dr. Rosy Walia said, “This is a wonderful project to
include people with intellectual disability in practical ways and build their skills and
increase employability. Gardening is task oriented and involves learning within a
practical context. Gardening also provides opportunities for people to experience
nature and socilaise. The project gives horticultural training and education to
individuals who have a desire to learn and grow food and experience gardening
and the benefits it brings to health. The minimum age to participate in the project
is 7 years and above. We are also looking for volunteers to support this project
and assistance and guidance to participants during gardening activities. Please
get in touch if you are interested in volunteer”.

It may be possible to access NDIS funds to attend the group. A small activity fee
will be charged for participants who have no NDIS plans but keen to attend
recreation or leisure activities. All equipment and materials will be provided.
Transport can be arranged. Participants need to bring gardening gloves and wear
old comfortable clothing.
For more information about Multicultural Care and the Horticulture
Project, please visit
Media contact: Dr Rosy Walia (02) 9718 6199