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Home Care Package

Funded by the Commonwealth Government, Home Care Packages (HCP) provide long term support for older people aged 65 years and over, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders 50 years and over.

Services under the Home Care Package

Personal care, Help with bathing, showering, toileting, dressing/undressing, washing and drying hair, shaving. Assistance with getting in and out of bed. Reminders to take your medication
Domestic assistance, Help with making beds
Help with ironing and laundry
Help with cleaning like dusting, vacuuming, and mopping
Help with unaccompanied shopping
Social support, Arranging for a visitor to make in-home or telephone-based social calls
Providing a companion to assist with shopping or getting you to an appointment
Arranging social activities and providing or coordinating transport to social events
Arranging for you to attend group-based activities in a centre
Assistance setting up phone and internet communication services to keep in touch with loved ones
A care worker visiting you in your home for a short period of time (for example, when your carer is away or unavailable)
Transport, Arranging a driver service
Providing transport vouchers and subsidies
Assistance with shopping, visiting health practitioners, and attending social activities
House maintenance and modifications, Installing easy access taps
Installing grab rails in the toilet, bath and/or shower
Installing a ramp
Providing advice on areas of concern regarding the safety of your home
Accessing technical assistance for major home modifications (that are not included in My Aged Care services)
Aids and equipment, Walking aids like crutches, quadruped walkers, walking frames, walking sticks
Mechanical devices for lifting you in and out of bed
Bed rails
Aids like slide sheets, sheepskins, tri-pillows
Pressure-relieving mattresses.
Allied health, Speech therapy
Occupational therapy or physiotherapy services
Other clinical services such as hearing and vision services
Meal preparation, Help with meal preparation (including special diets for health, religious, cultural or other reasons)
Meal delivery services (excluding the cost of food)

Can I get a Home Care Package privately?

Any self-funded person needing coordinated support services can also purchase Home Care Packages privately. To find out more about private services we offer in your area contact us on 02 9718 6199.

If you need help with your Home Care Package, you can speak with one of our Care Advisors by calling 02 9718 6199.

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